Open Targets

Finding, validating and ranking new drug targets

The Open Targets target validation platform and genetics portal are great tools to support the target discovery process, which is an essential part of the drug discovery pipeline. The Open Targets Platform is an open-source web-based platform, that integrates multiple data sources of various types. The more recently released Open Targets Genetics Platform allows you to discover associations between genes, variants and traits using GWAS data.


Get more insights with Open Targets

Easy to use

No need for bioinformatics skills to tap into the wealth of data from a variety of sources present in Open Targets.


An in-house Open Targets installation offers a secure place for analysis of proprietary data.

Open Source

Features developed for our clients or in the Open Targets consortium will become available to everyone

Easily extendable

A flexible data model allows for extending the target validation platform with client-specific data visualisations.

Services we offer


We deploy Open Targets on your infrastructure so you can securely view and analyse your proprietary data, including authorization and usage monitoring.

Data loading

We can load your data for you, ranging from loading GWAS/QTL data into the genetics portal to loading almost any kind of target-disease data into the target validation platform.


We develop new functionality to tackle any use cases that are not currently supported. These include client-specific sections for proprietary data.


We provide end-user training, tailored to use cases and datasets that are important to you.


We provide advice on how to get the most benefit from Open Targets in your organisation, including integration with other platforms or external data providers.

Open Targets consortium

OT consortium 2024

Open Targets is an innovative, large-scale, multi-year, public-private partnership that uses human genetics and genomics data for systematic drug target identification and prioritisation. In addition to providing the Open Source tools we support, the partnership generates experimental data that helps target discovery. The members of the partnership are the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Genentech, GSK, MSD, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Wellcome Sanger Institute.

Let's start collaborating

  • The most user-friendly tool for target discovery
  • The best Open Targets specialists
  • Well connected in the Open Targets consortium

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