After the successful symposium last year, Kees and Maxim will again attend the Annual OHDSI Symposium in Washington, on October 18th. We are looking forward to meet the still growing OHDSI community and share ideas on observational research using real world data.

During the lightning talks section, Maxim will present results from the transformation of Swedish Electronic Health Data to the OMOP Common Data Model. This ETL procedure, created by The Hyve last year, was highly dependent on the quality of the mappings of local source vocabularies to the standard OMOP vocabulary. During the talk we will explain how we assessed the quality of the mappings. In addition, we will highlight solutions for other challenges that we encountered during the transformations.
Directly after the symposium, Kees and Maxim will attend a two day tutorial session organised by the OHDSI team. Topics of the tutorials range from OMOP and OHDSI architecture to designing a "Patient Level Prediction study".
We hope to expand our knowledge and also share our OHDSI experience during these sessions.