ND4BB Translocation workshop

To prepare for the yearly ND4BB Translocation meeting in Bremen in July, The Hyve hosted a workshop to discuss the next set of requirements for the ND4BB InfoCentre to be built for Translocation.

Translocation is part of the IMI antimicrobial resistance (AMR) program New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB). The goal of Translocation is to find out how to get antibiotics into multi-resistant Gram-negative bacteria and prevent ejection of the drug by the bacteria. To facilitate this research, Translocation will set up a central repository of data gathered from several organisations, appropriately named the ‘InfoCentre’.

During the workshop we gathered requirements by looking at the InfoCentre from two sides, the data side and the analysis side. For the data side a clear requirement is that the data need to be curated before entry in order to enable cross comparisons . On the analysis side the requirements are typically met by enabling ways of interrogating the data. We also looked into how we could turn the InfoCentre into a sustainable repository for collaboration after the Translocation project ending.

Some of the results from the workshop and also the software development made over the last year will be presented at the Bremen meeting in July.

We would like to thank our guests, Claus and Erik from GritSystems and Phil, Lea and Manfred from Fraunhofer for joining us for the last couple of days. We hope you enjoyed your stay, the organ concert in the cathedral, the dinner and the beers!