Advanced Filtering with RADAR-base’s Management Portal 2.0

RADAR-base is an open-source platform for remote patient monitoring studies. The platform continuously and seamlessly collects patient-generated data using wearables and mobile applications. The Management Portal, RADAR-base’s study management system, is used to create and manage users, studies, study participants, and data sources. It also serves as an Identity Provider (IDP) and supports role-based access levels (RBAC). The Management Portal integrates all applications of the RADAR-base platform to handle authentication and authorisation.

RADAR-base is being used in many research studies. Researchers, study managers, and system administrators are the primary users of the Management Portal. It allows them to invite other researchers, enrol and onboard participants to use the RADAR-base apps and devices. Some of the use cases target huge cohorts of study participants. An example is the application of RADAR-base within the H2O project. Scalability, ease of use, and intuitive user interfaces are essential to support large-scale use cases.

Introducing the updated Management Portal 2.0

For the updated version of the Management Portal, The Hyve’s RADAR-base team made significant improvements to the user experiences (UX) and the user interface (UI) and optimized the underlying data model and database queries. Management Portal 2.0, which will be released soon, provides a faster and easier way to find participants based on particular characteristics or a subset of participants with specific attributes using advanced filters. The updated portal also effortlessly supports a large number of study participants in clinical studies.

Improvements to the UX and UI

Advanced filtering of participants was a feature highly sought-after by researchers and study managers. Researchers can find all study participant-related information on the Subjects page. The Subjects page lists the first 20 subjects by default. More subjects can be loaded on demand if there are more than 20 subjects in a study.

The Subject page has a Filter panel on the left. This panel allows researchers to search for a specific participant or a subset of participants. "Subject ID" (Subject identifier) or "External ID" (Identifier from an external system cross-referenced in Management Portal) are the most commonly used parameters to search for a particular participant. A researcher can easily find a specific participant or participant subgroup using these parameters.

The filter panel also has an Advanced Filter panel, which can be expanded on demand. The advanced filter allows for more fine-grained queries using additional filter criteria such as name, date of birth, enrollment date, and associated groups of a participant. The enrolment date filter also supports a range so that participants can be found that were enrolled within a specific period of time.

The new subject view with a filter panel explicitly lists all filters currently applied on top of the subject list and can be easily altered. This advanced filtering also allows for combining multiple filtering criteria and sorting based on a range of parameters.

Filter and Advanced Filter Panel in Management Portal 2.0
Management Portal 2.0's Subjects page now has a Filter Panel, expandable Advanced Filter Panel and sorting based on a range of parameters.

Watch the video below to see a quick demo of the advanced filtering function of the Management Portal 2.0.

Advanced Filtering with RADAR-base’s Management Portal 2.0. Researchers can use the Filter panel on the left to search for a specific participant or a subset of participants using "Subject ID" or "External ID". The Advanced filter panel below can be expanded to carry out more fine-grained queries using subject identifiers.

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To effectively and efficiently support the advanced filter panel and participants' view, many improvements and optimisations were made to the backend application of Management Portal 2.0. Most importantly, the underlying database has been improved to reflect this use case directly. This means that the database has been better indexed, and queries have been optimised to allow such fine-grained filtering to work efficiently on large datasets. The REST-APIs of the Management Portal 2.0 also have been improved to support dynamic filtering using multiple query parameters.

We are confident that the newly added features of the Management Portal 2.0 and the improvements we made to one of the core components of RADAR-base will prove helpful to both existing and future users of the RADAR-base platform. The advanced filtering options allow researchers to find participants of interest more quickly. Also, this new user-friendly addition to the Management Portal makes it easier for researchers to comb through large studies and optimise their search.

Funding statement and Disclaimer

The RADAR-base platform was developed under projects IMI RADAR-CNS, IMI RADAR-AD, Bigdata@Heart and IMI H2O which received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement numbers 115902, 806999, 116074 and 945345 respectively. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA. See for more details.

Neither IMI nor the European Union and EFPIA are liable for any use that may be made of the information contained on this website.

Funding RADAR-base