
Zeynep Karagöz

Data Engineer / Product Owner specialised in cBioPortal

Zeynep obtained a BSc in Molecular Biology and Genetics (Bogazici Univeristy, Istanbul) and a MSc in Bioinformatics (Ludwig-Maximillians University, Munich). She continued her academic journey with a PhD in Computational Biology (Maastricht University). For her thesis, she developed multiple computational frameworks for the complex dynamic interactions between cells and their extracellular environment, which are useful for regenerative medicine applications. Coming from an experimental background and being self-taught in coding, she believes boosting computational exposure in university-level biology studies can improve the global understanding and acceptance of computational biology and bioinformatics. She holds a University Teaching Qualification (UTK/BKO) in the Netherlands.
In her free time, you can find her running outside, training for her next race or lifting weights at the gym. She is also passionate about baking, plants and cats.

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